ToDo List Pro is the simplest solution for you to finish your daily tasks in time.
1. Contains multiple todo lists;
2. The title of the list can be changed according to your preferences;
3. Simplified interface;
4. Multiple backgrounds that can be changed;
5. User help is shown in the initial todo lists;
*** How to use ***
1. Swipe right to go back from backgrounds or todo list;
2. Tap item to mark it as done;
3. Tap the + sign to add new items;
4. Press the check sign to save changes;
5. Press the arrow sign to discard changes;
6. Tap the - sign to remove items;
7. Long press one item to edit;
8. Change background by pressing Backgrounds button in the main screen;
9. Change the title of the list by editing the text in the main screen;
10. Change the font size from System Settings;
11. Change the order by pressing the bottom left button and then drag the item;
12. Press the bottom right button to save the ToDo list as an image.
13. Add new ToDo lists by pressing the + button on the first screen;
14. Delete a ToDo list by pressing the x button next to it on the first screen;
15. Change the name of a ToDo list by pressing the edit button next to it on the first screen.